Full body massages are such a wonderful way to reward yourself, do not you think? After a long, stressful day in work or jogging around with the kids and taking care of their house - wouldn't you just love to lie down and let someone massage all of your cares away? If you were searching for an excuse to get a massage, you're going to get one (or more) right now.
Aside from the relaxation that getting a massage can bring on, in addition, it can help to flush out the toxins from your muscles and tissues, and consequently your body overall. In case you were not aware, an overload of toxins in your body can cause you to be sluggish - even when you're not feeling exhausted - and may also reduce your immune system so you're more susceptible to getting sick.
Additionally, there have been many medical studies that demonstrate that the positive effects resulting from a full body massage. So much so that trials and studies currently continue on a regular basis across the world. Let's look at some of the advantages of not just complete body massages, but massages generally.
* One study revealed that individuals who have been massaged before a potentially stressful situation experienced a massive decrease in anxiety and in their breathing and heart prices. It also revealed a significant increase in white blood cell count. Perfect for the day before that big meeting or test!
* It's also been proven that geriatric massage may reduce the agitation which often affects nursing home residents.
* After getting a massage, patients that had recently undergone heart surgery revealed a major decline in anxiety and stress levels. And because anxiety and stress are related to a lot of heart conditions, that's great news for patients undergoing this type of disease.
* For cancer patients, the massages they get prove to show an increase in NKs. NKs increase the immune system which may lead to a possible slow-down in the progression of cancer. Additionally, it aids in decreasing depression, pain and anxiety, not just for cancer patients, but for anyone who could be suffering from one or more of those types of ailments.
Surely after all this, you can imagine at least one justifiable reason why you not only want it, but also deserve it!
Aside from the relaxation that getting a massage can bring on, in addition, it can help to flush out the toxins from your muscles and tissues, and consequently your body overall. In case you were not aware, an overload of toxins in your body can cause you to be sluggish - even when you're not feeling exhausted - and may also reduce your immune system so you're more susceptible to getting sick.
Additionally, there have been many medical studies that demonstrate that the positive effects resulting from a full body massage. So much so that trials and studies currently continue on a regular basis across the world. Let's look at some of the advantages of not just complete body massages, but massages generally.
* One study revealed that individuals who have been massaged before a potentially stressful situation experienced a massive decrease in anxiety and in their breathing and heart prices. It also revealed a significant increase in white blood cell count. Perfect for the day before that big meeting or test!
* It's also been proven that geriatric massage may reduce the agitation which often affects nursing home residents.
* After getting a massage, patients that had recently undergone heart surgery revealed a major decline in anxiety and stress levels. And because anxiety and stress are related to a lot of heart conditions, that's great news for patients undergoing this type of disease.
* For cancer patients, the massages they get prove to show an increase in NKs. NKs increase the immune system which may lead to a possible slow-down in the progression of cancer. Additionally, it aids in decreasing depression, pain and anxiety, not just for cancer patients, but for anyone who could be suffering from one or more of those types of ailments.
Surely after all this, you can imagine at least one justifiable reason why you not only want it, but also deserve it!
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